
4Sight Labs Introduces OverWatch™ System

4Sight Labs announces the launch of OverWatch™, the first-of-its-kind, comprehensive technology-driven system for individuals in police custody.

A Game-Changing [...] Solution to Enhance Detainee Wellness and Prevent In-Custody Tragedies

San Francisco, CA (April 18, 2023) - 4Sight Labs, pioneers in solutions for custody environments, today announced the launch of OverWatch™, the first-of-its-kind, comprehensive system designed to address the wellness and safety of individuals in the custody of law enforcement agencies, jails, detention centers, and correctional facilities.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a total of 1,200 inmates died in state and federal prisons in 2019, representing a 6% increase from 2018. Many of these deaths are linked to inadequate wellness checks, delayed medical intervention, and limited resources1. OverWatch was created to give agencies visibility into the well-being of detainees and inmates from the moment of arrest through transport and detention.

"Every in-custody incident presents significant concerns for the health of individuals, careers of officers, and financial liability for cities and counties," stated John DeFalco, CEO of 4Sight Labs. "OverWatch introduces a new capability for detainees' and inmates' wellness. Utilizing advanced technology and data analytics aids agencies in recognizing and addressing potentially dangerous issues promptly. It's designed to support agencies in their ongoing efforts to safeguard those in their custody."

OverWatch features wireless, wearable sensors that track the wearer. Advanced algorithms analyze this data to detect signs of risk and inform officers of changes in their detainees’ condition. The system seamlessly syncs data between agencies and across the custody stages, ensuring that critical information is accessible when and where it's needed most.

OverWatch offers a range of benefits for agencies, including:

  • Reduced liability and costly lawsuits related to in-custody incidents.
  • Enhanced transparency and accountability in detainee management.
  • Streamlined incident reporting and data management.
  • Improved operational efficiency and resource allocation.

As agencies face increasing scrutiny and public pressure to prioritize detainee welfare, OverWatch provides a proactive solution that demonstrates a commitment to safety,  transparency, and compassionate care. 4Sight Labs is poised to modernize custody environments nationwide.

To learn more about how OverWatch can transform detainee wellness and safety in your agency, visit www.4sightlabs.com to request a demo or contact our team of experts.


About 4Sight Labs

Founded in 2020, 4Sight Labs pioneers solutions to enhance visibility, accountability, and prevention within custody environments. Its innovative technologies transform public health strategies in law enforcement and correctional facilities and cement compassionate technology as a new standard across the custody continuum. Learn more at www.4sightlabs.com.


  1. Carson, E. A. (2021). Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001-2019 - Statistical Tables. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Retrieved from https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/msfp0119st.pdf.

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